America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave

You've woken up after 200 years of cryogenic preservation. The world you knew, the people you love, all replaced by a twisted and desolate wasteland. You then discover that there are others like you. Others working towards bringing back that world you lost. Is it all too good to be true?

Table of Contents


Main Quest

Side Quests

Repeatable Quests


In-Game Names

Editor IDs

Abandoned Facility

ARAbandonedFacilityExterior, ARAbandonedFacility01, ARAbandonedFacility02

North Boston Police Department

ARPoliceStation, ARPoliceStationInterior01

Radio Facility


Site Gamma

ARSiloStartPoint, ARAntiAirSite1, ARAntiAirSite2, ARBasinEntrance, ARMissileSiloEntrance, ARMissileSiloInterior01

The Oil Rig

AROilRigInterior01, AROilRigInterior01a, AROilRigInterior01aRuin, AROilRigInterior01b, AROilRigInterior01Ruin, AROilRigInterior02, AROilRigPlayerRoom, AROilRig

Vault 111 Government Facility

ARVault111AltEntrance, ARVault111AltEntr

Vertibird Facility

ARVertibirdFacilityExterior, ARVertibirdFacilityInterior01

America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave


Fallout 4

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